Nationwide Healthcare Fraud Criminal Defense Attorneys
Criminal convictions could mean the end of a career for healthcare professionals, but the attorneys at Norman Spencer Law Group are here to help. Our healthcare legal team has more than a decade of experience representing and defending healthcare professionals against allegations and charges, including those at the criminal level.
When charged with a crime, healthcare professionals need to defend their actions before the New York licensing board associated with their profession as well as in criminal court. These proceedings involved two specific areas of law: the Public Health Code and the state penal code.
While many attorneys that practice criminal law may be experienced with the penal code, they may not be as well-versed in the intricacies of the Public Health Code. Licensed healthcare professionals must meet very specific requirements, and choosing an attorney not familiar with professional licensing defense may be a costly mistake.
Criminal defense attorneys not familiar with administrative law may plead criminal cases in a manner that makes it challenging to avoid licensing action from state and licensing board.
Hiring on a second attorney to cover professional licensing issues is one option, although clients are much better served by a single lawyer able to successfully represent them in both the criminal and licensing arenas.
The lawyers at Norman Spencer Law Group are at your service. We have extensive experience defending healthcare professionals in all fields, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, dentists and many others. We’re not only able to streamline the process, but we also ensure your criminal conviction is handled in a manner that provides the least impact on your professional license.
Our healthcare attorneys consider possible licensing ramifications from the onset, establishing a strategy to provide aggressive representation and the most favorable outcomes in both the criminal and administrative proceedings.
Licensing Investigations
Criminal charges against a healthcare professional generally result in licensing investigations. Licensed healthcare professionals who are served with a federal indictment or criminal complaint for any misdemeanor or felony can typically expect an investigation into whether or not they violated the Public Health Code.
This makes it crucial to retain an attorney as rapidly as possible to defend your freedom during the criminal proceedings and protect your career during the licensing case.
Impact of Criminal Allegations on Professional Licenses
When licensed healthcare professionals are convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, they are often subjected to a summary suspension or emergency suspension of their license. Either suspension prohibits the professional from practicing. A good number of felony and misdemeanor cases have involved drug or alcohol abuse, which can lead to the immediate suspension of a professional license. An experienced healthcare lawyer can be a great asset in such cases, bringing the knowledge and strategy to launch the most effective defense.
Criminal Pleas Can Lead to Severe Administrative Consequences
Pleading guilty to a crime is the strongest form of proof under the law. Pleading guilty to a criminal offense means you are unable to argue differently during an administrative proceeding. Before entering a guilty plea or accepting any type of offer, it’s vital to be fully knowledgeable of the collateral consequences of your guilty plea.
In the majority of states, a felony or high misdemeanor conviction automatically results in a mandatory license suspension. An experienced license defense attorney may be able to get the license suspension overturned at an administrative hearing. But that is only possible if you opt for a skilled lawyer that is familiar with both the criminal and administrative side of a case.
Criminal Conviction Reporting
It’s also essential to retain an experienced professional licensing attorney when reporting a criminal conviction. Licensed healthcare professionals are required to report criminal convictions within a set period following the conviction. The licensing board has the authority to revoke your license or impose other sanctions if it feels the criminal conviction may affect your ability to practice your profession.
A knowledgeable healthcare attorney can help here by ensuring your conviction is reported in a way that puts it in the best possible light while demonstrating you remain able to safely and skillfully practice your profession. Contacting a professional licensing attorney immediately after your arrest is a crucial move. It allows the lawyer to begin the necessary steps to mitigate the consequences. Strong representation from the beginning greatly improves the chances of a favorable outcome at the end.
The healthcare attorneys at Norman Spencer Law Group have helped hundreds of licensed healthcare professionals during all stages of administrative and criminal proceedings. We take all aspects of the criminal and administrative cases into account, helping clients navigate through the proceedings in a way that protects their interests as well as their livelihood and career. Contact one of our attorneys if you’re a licensed professional facing a criminal conviction. Schedule a consultation today.