Federal Subpoenas Attorneys
When you or your business are legally served federal subpoenas to either provide documents or testify in court, it can be stressful, to say the least. There will be a lot of confusion, and it can be hard to know what exactly you should do first, who to turn to, what to say or not say, do or not do. You’ll have a lot of questions, and as a result, you’ll need to have the right people to give you answers, form a legal defense, and clear up any issues that might arise during the course of the process, including if things should progress to charges being filed
The only problem here is that there are just so many legal firms out there, so many defense attorneys who all claim to be the best at what they do, so it can be hard to weed out the fact from fiction and separate a slick marketing campaign from an actually competent legal defense. So let’s go ahead and take a look at what goes into a defense strategy when subpoenas are involved, and let’s take a look also at what you should expect from your defense attorney.
What Happens During Federal Subpoenas?
Typically in situations like these, the first thing that will happen will be a knock on your door, followed by an agent legally serving you the subpoena in question. The first thing that you should remember is that anything you do or say can be used against you, so you should not say anything to the agent in question. Simply take the paper and let them be on their way.
The next thing you should keep in mind is that now that you’ve been legally served, that agent will report that serving has happened, and you are now obligated to act. If you refuse to heed that subpoena or respond to authorities in any way, you can and will be held liable for both civil and criminal penalties, including possible imprisonment.
So you don’t want to ignore the problem. Instead, you should get in touch with an effective defense lawyer right away. Every second you waste is a second that authorities will be building their case against you, a second where you could have been strengthening your defense. So it’s in your best interest to get to work right away. The sooner you face this head-on, the sooner you’ll be done with it.
What to Do to Protect Yourself
It should go without saying, but you should never destroy any materials. This can come to haunt you in a big way, so preserve all materials that you have and get in touch with your lawyer immediately. Let them know what you’re dealing with, give them the subpoena that you were served with, and let them know if any other pertinent information that might help in your case.
After that, remember that under no circumstances should you be speaking with investigators, prosecutors, or the authorities. These people have one goal, and that is to build a case against you and prosecute. They will do anything and everything that they can to do just this, and no matter what kind of tricks they might use, just remember that these people are not your friends. Your defense attorney is your friend, and they are the only person that you should be divulging any information.
While you do have an affirmative duty to cooperate with any investigation that you’re involved in, this does not mean that you need to actually speak with the authorities. In fact, any defense attorney who knows what they’re doing will advise that you never meet the authorities if you don’t have to, never speak with them, and only provide information that you’re legally required to divulge. Just following these simple guidelines can already be a big help toward forming a successful defense for you and your case.
Who Can Help With a Federal Subpoenas?
There are so many legal firms out there, but it can be difficult if not almost impossible to know that the legal firm you choose has what it takes to fight any charges against you, ideally getting them reduced or outright dropped before you ever have to deal with the court system. They need to be a firm with years of experience, but one that also has a proven track record of success, a legal group that has represented (and won) cases that look just like yours. They need to have experience at both the state and federal levels. In short, they need to be the Norman Spencer Law Group.
Norman Spencer Law Group Can Represent You
With a combined 70+ years of experience representing all types of cases, including ones involving subpoenas being served, the Norman Spencer Law Group is the law firm best-equipped to handle your case, to see it through to the end, and get you results you’ll be satisfied with. No case is too big or too small for us, too simple or complex. We’ve represented folks from all walks of life, at both the state and the federal level. What’s more, we actually have a proven track record of success.
Our focus is on providing 1:1 service for every single one of our clients, and that begins with our convenient accessibility options. For example, we offer legal consultations hosted remotely through popular platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Google Duo. Then, if you need someone to come out to where you are, we’ll get someone from our team to do just that, no matter where you might be in the country. So if you’re facing any kind of legal trouble, get in touch with us today. Someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible, and we’ll get to work right away on getting you the results you need and deserve.